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JJWIDE Biotrade
1212, Jalan Senai Utama 2/7,
Taman Senai Utama,
81400 Senai,
Johor, Malaysia.

Directions of use

  • According to expert microbiologist, silver is known to be effectve against multiple disease-causing pathogenic microorganisms, include anthrax, diphtheria, influenze, whooping cough, and typhoid. In fact, it appears to be nature's most powerful antibiotic.
    No microorganism ever tested has been able to stay alive for more than six minutes when exposed directly to ion silver. When nano-silver nears avirus, fungi, bacterium or single-celled microbes it is effective against, it disables the oxygen-metabilism enzyme. This destroys the microbe's ability to "breath" and within a few minutes. the pathogen suffocates and dies. The dead germ and its toxins are then cleared out of the body.
    Unlike pharmaceutical antibiotics, which destroy beneficial bodily enzymes, nano-silver leaves our bodies tissue and cell enzymes intact, as they are different than enzymes found in single celled pathogens.
    Nano silver is considered in many investigations as a potential disinfectant due to its intense antimicrobial activity and low toxicity to mammalian cells and tissues.
  • The antibacterial property of silver has been known for thousands of years with the ancient Greeks cook from silver pots. The old adage 'born with a silver spoon in his mouth' referring to more than just wealth. It is also refer to Eating with a silver spoon was known to be more hygienic.
    The ancient Greeks and Romans are known to have put silver coins into drinking vessels to keep water fresh; and silverware apparently help prevent some from getting the plague.
    The Imperial System in India, always advocated for Silver utensils to be used in Royal Palaces, keeping a view of disinfection properties. You can visit any of the Royal Museums today in India and observe the types of utensils made in Pure Silver, right from cooking to serving & eating.
  • The extremely small size of nanoparticles results in the particles having a large surface area relative to their volume. In the case of silver nanoparticles this allows them to easily interact with other particles and increases their antibacterial efficiency. This effect can be so great that one gram of silver nanoparticles is all that is required to give antibacterial properties to hundred of square metres of substrate material.
    In order to understand how silver nanoparticles kill pathogens, an understanding of how bacteria, viruses and fungus live and grow is required.

    All bacteria use an enzyme as a form of 'chemical lung' in order to metabolise oxygen. Silver ions cripple the enzyme and stop the take up of oxygen. This effectively suffocates any bacteria, killing it within 6 minutes and leaving surrounding tissue or material unaffected.

    Viruses grow by taking over another living cell and reprogramming the nucleus to replicate the virus rather than the healthy cell. As part of this process, the cell reverts to a more primitive form that relies upon a primitive form of oxygen metabolizing enzyme as a chemical lung. Again the silver ions stop oxygen being brought into the virus-producing cell and it dies by suffocation.

    A fungus is composed of a series of single cells. Each cell survives by means of a 'chemical lung' much like that seen in bacteria. Just like bacteria, the presence of silver ions disables the chemical lung and the fungus dies.

    Antibiotic drugs can be used to kill the pathogens attacked by silver nanoparticles but bacteria and viruses are becoming increasingly resistant to drug therapies. Silver nanoparticles kill all types of fungal infections, bacteria and viruses, including antibiotic resistant strains. No drug based antibiotic is effective on all types of bacteria.
    Additionally, research to date has shown that bacteria have been unable to develop any immunity to silver.

    Elemental silver occurs naturally. It is considered non-toxic, non-allergic, is not cumulative and is not known to harm either wildlife or the environment. Products made with silver nanoparticles have been approved by a range of accredited bodies, including the U.S. FDA, U.S. EPA, SIAA of Japan, Korea's Testing and Research Institute for Chemical Industry and FITI Testing.

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